Monday, October 29, 2012

A Lovely Winter in Brinly Park

In February 2010 Louisville received quite a bit of snow. The snowflakes were huge and the snow was deep but some of the Woodland Hills kids took advantage of a day off from school. Here is a slideshow of some pictures taken in Woodland Hills' Brinly Park the day of that snow fall.
dabalcom's A Winter in Brinly Park album on Photobucket

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Henninger Represents Woodland Hills and District 19 at a Louisville Bats baseball game!

On August 6, 2012, 10 year old Woodland Hills resident Tommy Henninger throws the first pitch at the Louisville Bats game!

from left to right: Woodland Hills Mayor David Tilford, 
Tommy Henninger, District 19 Councilman Jerry Miller.

Tommy's mother, Kathleen Henninger says that Tommy "did play on the 10U East Louisville Bats team" over the summer.

For the upcoming summer of 2013 "he will be playing on the 11U Louisvlle Shockers.  He plays 3rd, 1st, and pitches".

Tommy has been playing baseball since the age of 5 and began playing competitively since he was 7.  "His coach of the new team (Louisville Shockers) is Tony Wagner." 

from left to right: District 19 Councilman Jerry Miller, Tommy's father Ricky Henninger, 
Tommy's mother Kathleen Henninger, Woodland Hills Mayor David Tilford. 
In front: Tommy Henninger, Tommy's sister Katie Henninger.

The Louisville Bats team is a competitve traveling team through East Louisville Sports which is based in Middletown's Crosby Park.

The Louisville Shockers is a competitive team that is not affiliated with a league but is a local team started by Tony Wagner honoring his late brother Andy who played for the original Shockers.

Tommy and his new team will play locally and in away tournaments.  "He loves the Louisville Bats and his favorite team is the Reds. He is hoping to make the Crosby baseball team next year and then hopefully go on to play at Eastern. It would be a family dream if he can play ball at UK. This family loves baseball!"

Winding Up!

Arm Back!

He Throws!

Right to the catcher!

The Woodland Hills city council thinks that Tommy was a great kid to represent our city.
Way to go Tommy! We couldn't be more proud!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Woodland Hills approved for $100,000 Grant for Hardy Brinly Park

Woodland Hills approved for $100,000 Grant for Hardy Brinly Park! A letter received recently from the Department of Local Government announced that Governor Beshear has selected Woodland Hills to receive the $100,000 Grant requested approximately 2 years ago.

(This is the conceptual park plan which could be the end product for our Brinly Park)