January 2013
Message from the Mayor
Federal Grant of $100,000 for Hardy Brinly Park approved!
City now faces a $33,710 matching funds shortfall
At long last the Woodland Hills application for a Federal Recreational Trails Grant for the improvements to Hardy Brinly
Park has been approved. The first application for this grant submitted by the City in February of 2011 was rejected due to a lack of funding for these type grants. The Kentucky Office of the Governor Department for Local Government, the State agency responsible for distributing the Federal Grant funds, stated in a letter to the Mayor dated January 31, 2012 "Requests totaling approximately $2.4 million exceeded the $1.8 million available to Kentucky in Fiscal Year 2011". The letter went on to say "I encourage you to re-apply for grant funds from the Recreational Trails Program for Fiscal Year 2012". The City decided to follow that advice and promptly reapplied for the grant. Following the re-application a letter dated October 16, 2012 from the same agency advised that Governor Beshear had selected our project for funding in fiscal 2012.
The grant will make available up to $100,000 of matching funds that would enable the City to move forward with the
remainder of Phase 1 of the Hardy Brinly Park one hundred percent capital improvement project. Improvements remaining in Phase 1 are a portion of the park trail including a new bridge spanning Pope Lick Creek and a new park playground for children.
Louisville Metro Council approved and funded a $25,000 Neighborhood Development Fund (NDF) Grant for the Woodland
Hills park project on October 8, 2010. This NDF Grant was originally intended to be used toward matching funds needed for the Federal Grant but delays in approval of the Federal Grant and the fact that the Metro Grant expired November 30, 2011 made it
necessary to either use the Metro funding prior to the deadline or return it. Given these options we used this funding and reaped some great benefits from it such as our beautiful new gazebo, a new small foot bridge, a new ball field backstop, improvements to the park building and a water line installation that now provides access to water for maintenance usage in the park. Obviously this leaves a void in the matching funds account which now amounts to a $33,710 shortfall.
We are now in the process of applying for another $25,000 Metro NDF Grant through District 19 Councilman Jerry Miller's office. If approved a new NDF Grant would reduce the matching funds deficit to $8,710. Since there is no guarantee that this application will be approved we will, despite the difficulty, be looking for ways to replace the $25,000 and more through fundraising projects and donations. Woodland Hills general funds will not be used to replenish the matching funds account unless absolutely necessary to retain the Federal Grant.
Going forward subsequent grants and fund raising projects will be sought to enable the City to fund the balance of the project, phases II and III. We will continue to keep residents informed on the progress of this project and its funding.
We are now in the process of applying for another $25,000 Metro NDF Grant through District 19 Councilman Jerry Miller's office. If approved a new NDF Grant would reduce the matching funds deficit to $8,710. Since there is no guarantee that this application will be approved we will, despite the difficulty, be looking for ways to replace the $25,000 and more through fundraising projects and donations. Woodland Hills general funds will not be used to replenish the matching funds account unless absolutely necessary to retain the Federal Grant.
Going forward subsequent grants and fund raising projects will be sought to enable the City to fund the balance of the project, phases II and III. We will continue to keep residents informed on the progress of this project and its funding.
David Tilford, Mayor
If I can be of service to you please call me at 245-9756, by e-mail, or by mail at P.O. Box 43032,
Louisville, KY 40253
E-mail addresses needed to improve communications
**It's never been more important**
Providing your e-mail address allows us to communicate important information to residents quickly, efficiently and economically. Stay informed. Send your e-mail address to Your e-mail will not be provided to other sources.
***Third Annual Picnic-in-the-Park delayed but well attended***
The third annual Woodland Hills summer picnic, delayed because of bad weather, was held August 11 with approximately 200 residents of Woodland Hills and surrounding communities attending. This year's picnic included the usual appearance of the Middletown Fire Department's truck and a Metro police car. A new participant this year was the 223rd MP Company of the Army National Guard that provided a Humvee and two soldiers to show it off. Also returning this year was the musical group Grand Slam providing live music courtesy of 19th District Metro Councilman Jerry Miller through the Metro Music Partnership. The utilization of our new park gazebo worked out very well for the musicians. Also new and very popular this year was the Kona Ice truck which offered a variety of shaved ice flavors. Kona Ice shares a large portion of their profits with Woodland Hills to help with the park improvement fund. As always the hot dogs and drinks were free thanks to donations from Industrial Disposal, Cecil and Helen Hestand, Camille Estes (River City Races) and one anonymous donor! It was a good time and another great success for our extended community.
Thanks to those citizens who volunteer their time and efforts to make these events happen. Stay tuned for more
information on next year's event.
We have formed an event planning and fundraising committee to help plan this and other events.
Woodland Hills resident Brad Ricca has been appointed by Mayor Tilford to chair the Committee. See the article below for volunteer information.
>> Traffic Problems on Marengo Drive at Eagle Pass <<
Complaints have been received from residents of Marengo Drive near the foot path that leads to Eastern
High School, referred to as "Eagle Pass", that motorists who stop their vehicles in front of homes near the path to drop off and pick up Eastern students on school days often block or make it difficult to exit driveways and on occasion block or make it difficult to pass through that section of the roadway.
If you utilize Eagle Pass or drop off/pick up students at that location please be respectful of those residents who live in the general area. With vehicles stopped on both sides of the street it can be difficult to leave a driveway or pass through the street without delay. Please make sure you are mindful of this when in the area and make adjustments to existing conditions.
Woodland Hills Cook Books Still available
Commissioner Anne Balcom tells us that she still has a number of Woodland Hills cook books for purchase. The book contains many favorite recipes submitted by Woodland Hills residents who responded to Anne's invitations to participate. What a great gift idea! Anne is ready to take your orders. The books are available for immediate pick up. The price of the book is $9.00 per copy or $8.00 each for orders of 3 or more. Proceeds of the book will go towards the Brinly Park improvement fund. To order contact Anne Balcom at 489-9702 or by e-mail, The mailing address is P.O. Box 43032, Louisville, KY 40253.
Picnic-In-The-Park Planning and Fundraising Committee Needs Volunteers
Volunteers are needed to join a committee engaged in the planning of the annual Picnic-In-Park and fundraising for the park improvement project. Anyone interested in serving on this very important committee should contact the Committee Chairman, Brad Ricca, at 345-0432. More community help is needed for the
success of these projects and would be greatly appreciated.
cooking hot dogs at the picnic
Commissioner Phillip White stepping down
Following many years of service to the residents of Woodland Hills Commissioner Phillip White is stepping down. Phillip announced that he and his wife Cindy may be moving out of Woodland Hills in the near future. As a Commissioner and citizen Phillip has worked tirelessly to make Woodland Hills a better place to live by working throughout the community on projects such as roads and signs, bridge building, gazebo maintenance, park picnic volunteer, landscaping, consulting, City clean-up projects, and many more. Phillip and his expertise will be sorely missed by the City and the Board of Commissioners. We all wish Phillip and Cindy the best of luck in the future.
Newly elected WH Commissioner, Michael Ochs, takes office January 1
We are pleased to welcome newly elected Commissioner, Michael Ochs, to the Woodland Hills Board of Commissioners. Michael took the oath of office at the regular meeting November 27 and officially took office on January 1, 2013. Michael is employed at Humana and resides on Westwood Drive with his wife Karey
and their children. Michael brings with him many leadership skills and a willingness to serve his community.
He is a member of the Kentucky Army National Guard and serves as the First Sergeant of Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), 149th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB). Please join us in welcoming Michael to the Woodland Hills Commission.
Woodland Hills Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste pick-up schedules
Trash: Trash is picked up every Thursday or the following day in weeks with holidays prior to Thursday. Large items like old furniture, appliances, etc. must be scheduled for pick up by calling 638-9000. Please place items out the night before pick up only.
Recycling: Pick-up days are every other Thursday or the next day in weeks with holidays prior to Thursday.
Yard Waste: Pick-up every Wednesday or the next day in weeks with holidays prior to Wednesday. Yard waste
pick-up is now available year round.
*For more information call Industrial Disposal at 638-9000*
Parking and traffic violations still a problem in Woodland Hills
Woodland Hills stop signs will continue to be monitored for violations to ensure the safety of all
our citizens.
Reminder: Once again we remind everyone that parking on grass anywhere in Woodland Hills is illegal. Police and Code Enforcement Officers are being asked to ticket all vehicles in violation. Please, use your driveways, not the grass to park your vehicles.
City wide yard sale to take place May 10-11
The annual Woodland Hills city wide yard sale will be held Friday and Saturday May 10th and 11th from 8AM until 2PM each day. This will be a good time to clean out you basements,
closets and garages. Put all those "extremely valuable" items you don't need out on your driveway and lawn and turn them into cold, hard "CA$H"! The City will advertise the sale in the Courier-Journal and online plus post signs at all entrances to Woodland Hills prior to the sale dates. Don't forget "One man's junk is another man's treasure". Good luck.
**See a Street Light Out? Call LG&E at 589-1444**
Listed below are the commissioners and officers of Woodland Hills. Please give them a call with any
questions you may have:
David Tilford, Mayor 245-9756
Anne Balcom, Commissioner 489-9702
Ronnie Cox, Commissioner 254-3864
Sally Tilford, Commissioner 245-9756
Michael Ochs, Commissioner 245-1352
Melissa Cox, Treasurer/City Clerk 254-3864
City Commission meetings in 2013 will be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, except for December which will be held on the second Tuesday. All 2013 meetings are held at Hite Elementary School with the exceptions of February, June and July which will be held in the library of the First Baptist Church in Middletown. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM. Public invited.
Thanks to our Police and Firefighters who protect us every day!
City of Woodland Hills
P.O. Box 43032
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